My Story
Revathi Ramakrishna Valluri is a multi-faceted artist with immense talent and creativity. She is an accomplished sculptor, painter, flower maker, poet and author. These talents she combines with an abundant enthusiasm for life and a keen entrepreneurial spirit.
Ms. Revathi is the inventor of Revathis PlastiClay, which she has perfected after years of experimentation, since she was unable to find a modeling clay in the market that was versatile, strong and easy to work with.
She has then gone onto create hundreds of artworks, using her fertile imagination and artistic abilities. She is commercially marketing both her clay and clay handicrafts all over India, with considerable success and acclaim.
Her training classes are aired regularly on popular TV channels all over India.
She also regularly participates in exhibitions and other events, to promote this art, as well to encourage women to take up self employment avenues.
There is an enormous domestic and international market for this product, which she is rigorously exploring.
Revathi Ramakrishna lives in Hyderabad . Her two sons are well settled in the U.S. Ms. Revathi regularly visits them in Houston and Edison to spend time with her beloved grandchildren.
Mrs. Revathi Ramakrishna with her beloved husband, Sqn. Ldr. Valluri Ramakrishna, who is no longer with us, but is always present in her memories.